Sep 21, 2012

What Does It Take?...A Compelling Vision!

I've been doing a lot of thinking about what it takes to lose weight and keep it off for life!  I've spent the last 30 years helping people do just that. I often ask my self, "Why do some people "just do it", follow the program, lose their weight, change their eating habits for good, keep motivation alive, and others don't?"  There are so many answers to that question, but I believe when it comes down to it, there are two kinds of people...those who have an exciting compelling vision of what they want their lives to look like/be like...and those who don't!

A compelling  vision... something that is compelling is forceful, convincing, persuasive and gripping. When something is compelling it holds our attention.  A vision is a dream, idea, mental picture, image or visualization. It involves the imagination and is a glimpse of a desired future. When these two definitions are combined, we see that a compelling vision is an idea of a desired future that grips our attention and inspires us to action!

To lose weight and keep it off for life (the hard part) it is vital for you to create your own personal compelling vision for your life.  I've learned in my own life and in working with thousands of people over the years that if you don't identify your vision, others will plan and direct your life for you.

A compelling vision is what you want to create of yourself and the world around you. What does your  compelling vision include? Making a change in an area such as health, technology, or the environment? Raising happy, well-adjusted children? Writing a book? Owning your own business? Living on a beach? Being very fit and healthy? Visiting every continent? Helping others with their spiritual growth? What are you good at? What do you love to do? What aren't you good at now, but you'd like to be? All of these important questions are part of identifying your personal compelling vision.

Here are some questions/thoughts to help you create your compelling vision. Use these as a tool to get your thinking started!

Things I really enjoy doing:

What brings me joy/happiness:

What were the two best moments of my past week:

Three things I'd do if I won the lottery:

Ideas or causes I care deeply about:

Things I can do at the good to excellent level:

What I'd like to stop doing or do as little as possible:

What are my most important values:

What does the "best me" look like/feel like:

Discovering or creating your own compelling vision takes time and focus. Are you willing to take the time and spend the mental energy to get to know yourself and to dream about your future? 

I believe that losing weight and keeping it off is one of the most difficult things people try to accomplish. Having a compelling, gripping, exciting vision is a MUST to accomplish this great task.

Take some time to create your compelling vision and I promise you'll have success at weight loss and much more!

Always encouraging you,


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