Jan 25, 2013

What Are You Telling Yourself?

Psychologists and behavioral therapists have long known the effectiveness of using positive affirmations in producing behavioral changes.  Our behavior is due in large part to how we subconsciously feel about ourselves. For many of us, our subconscious "programing" is counter-productive. This is especially true when weight loss in concerned. Past experiences, past feelings of failure and frustration can sabotage our sense of expectation in a new endeavor, including losing weight.

For whatever reason your present "programming" is keeping you from reaching your goal, you can change the old tapes.  The subconscious mind will accept anything that is fed into it on a regular, disciplined manner and accept it as reality.  Your subconscious is the creative, goal oriented part of the mind.  The conscious mind, on the other hand, does the "talking" and interprets information from the environment. The subconscious mind depends on experiences, real or imagined, and programs that as it's reality.

For this reason, positive affirmations or positive self talk promote change in behavior.  They program the subconscious mind with positive, productive thoughts which in turn lead to positive productive behaviors.  If you want to change and stay with your slim eating style, you need to first change how you think of yourself.

These positive affirmations are powerfully effective. Repeat each of them aloud three times every morning and evening. Create your own affirmations, becoming as specific as you need.

  • I can become the person I want to be.
  • I am in charge of my life.
  • I have the motivation and am learning the skills to reach my goal.
  • I am learning and growing and improving each day.
  • I am responsible for my actions, and I am now taking action to get what I want.
  • I desire an abundant, happy life, and to be the person I want to be.
  • My desires are so strong that my feelings and thought processes are changing.

You may want to write these and other positive affirmations on a card and tape them on your bathroom mirror or carry them in your car or purse.

Change your thinking...and you will change your life!  Positive affirmations, speaking right thoughts over yourself, is a great step towards changing the way you think.  Try it!

Always encouraging you,

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