Feb 22, 2013

I Have A Decided Heart ~ The Certain Decision

Christopher Columbus epitomizes a person with a decided heart. One of the characteristics of a person with a decided heart is that he owns his Decision. "If you're with me, fine; if you're not with me fine. I am going. I have a decided heart. You can come along for the ride or not. And if you're against me, I don't' care what you think or say." That summed up Christopher Columbus! He didn't care what anybody thought or said.

As you embark upon your journey with a decided heart, I can promise you that the clamor from your friends, family and doubters will roar.  It will amaze you!
The people that you thought would be on your side, but aren't, might be a larger group that you imagined.  If you worry about what other people think, you'll have more confidence in their opinion than you do your own.  Your future does not depend on the opinions or the permission of others.

If you're afraid of criticism, you'll have little impact on the world. Criticism runs rampant, and if you're inhibited by it, you'll drown in its deep waters. Any time you do something that goes against the crowd, you'll get feedback that doesn't support you.

I've been surprised over my life time at the lack of support people show and give to each other when things are going well.  Jealously, envy and insecurity are at the root of this kind of behavior.   You can't allow yourself to stay stuck in the past because the people close to you are afraid to let you grow.  When you have a decided heart, you are not affected by others.

No matter what the people in your circle of influence think or say about your growth and your change, you MUST know what you want and keep your eyes on your goal. I've noticed that the longer you work at your new life style, the more relaxed and supportive the people around you become.  I guess they know when they're dealing with a decided heart!

Own your Decision and keep pressing forward with a decided heart!

Always encouraging you,

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