May 17, 2012

Pursuit is an Action Word!

We've spent the last few weeks talking about a very serious subject...HAPPINESS! I believe that everyones "pursuit of happiness" looks different. I've shared the things that have brought more happiness to my life the last few weeks. Today I'll give you my final point.

Here's a review of the previous 6.

1. Commit your life to the purpose of glorify God.

2. Get rid of grudges daily.

3. Spend time nearly every day getting more intimate with your mate and children. Parents, brothers, sisters and other close relatives should also have high priority. Do all you can to solve family conflicts.

4. Be involved in a daily routine (including work, play, housework, projects) that brings you personal satisfaction. Be convinced that this routine is God's will and purpose for your life ~ your way of glorify Him.

5. Do something nice for one special person each week. This kind deed can be physical (helping with a chore) emotional (buying a book or giving counsel) or spiritual (having devotions/praying together.)

6. Spend some time each week having fellowship and fun with at least one or two like minded friends of the same sex. If you are married, have fun with other married couples. In this way husband and wives can benefit from intimacy with others.

So, how are you doing? Are you pursuing happiness? Pursuing is a verb, and action word. I'm convinced that happiness is a choice and we ALL have the ability to have more of it. When I first studied this subject, I was dead set on finding more happiness. After 6 months of WORKING this list, I looked back and realized a couple of things. 1. I was happier and 2. I had become a person that lived out this list without much thought. It was just who I was...and to this day, it is still who I am.

Here's number 7.

Spend some time each day meditating on God's Word and applying it in your life.

The mind is a powerful thing. It is the control center of our entire being. is a must to continually transform our minds. Our thoughts dictate our feelings which dictate our renewing your mind is a must. 
Applying God's Word in your life sounds kind of scary. Here's an example of what that looks like in my life.
As a business owner I face many challenges. The economy struggles and fear sets in. I have carried a burden for over 20 years owning my own business and fear could consume me if I let it. So here's what applying the word looks like for me.
I open to Psalm 121. I personalize it when I read. Here's what it says to me.

"I lift up my eyes to the hills, for where does my help some from? My help comes from the Lord, the         maker of heaven and earth. He will not let my foot slip. He who watches over me will not slumber, He will watch over my life. The Lord will watch over my coming and my going both now and forever more."

Well, there you go! If you believe that, which I do, then how do you think I go about my day? With confidence, energized, lacking fear, and purposed to glorify God with every interaction.
Whether you feel comfortable reading out of the Bible, or maybe it's a little devotional book, or other daily meditation that has a good word for the day, a few minutes in the morning to focus on something bigger than you will put life into great perspective and give you a much broader direction for your day.

Years ago, when I was on a hot pursuit, I typed these seven points down on a little piece of paper and kept them in clear view at all times. I referred back to that list many times a day at first, until I was automatically doing the things that "promised" me more happiness!
I can tell you that it worked. After months of work, I was in a different place emotionally and spiritually.

I encourage you to use the list I gave you, or refine it to fit your life, but make sure that you are taking action, in a healthy way, to pursue happiness. I'd love to hear about your happiness projects in the months to come. If you are , like I was, desperate to become happier, work hard and just see what you find. I know you won't be disappointed.

Write me at  let me know how your happiness project is going.

Always encouraging you,

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