Apr 29, 2009

"I found strength I didn't know I had"

That comment didn't come from me, it came from one of our clients yesterday after her weigh in. She lost 6.0 pounds for the week! As a partner in the Team Challenge she has a new outlook. Not only is she committed to the program, but she now has a partner that she has made promises to. Promises to follow the program, exercise and keep a great attitude!

She found strength this week when she followed her plan to the mark. She found strength this week when she went for her walks up a BIG hill and ending up running that hill! She found strength in preparing her foods in advance and truly making her health and her self care a priority this week. SHE FOUND STRENGTH SHE DIDN'T KNOW SHE HAD, BECAUSE SHE REACHED DOWN INSIDE OF HERSELF AND JUST DID IT!

I am so proud of her, and I am so proud of all the Team Challenge participants who made a decision and found strength inside of themselves this week!

Keep up the great work...Keep fighting for the strength that lives inside of you.

Always encouraging you,

Apr 9, 2009

Things are Heatin' Up!

Things are Heatin' Up!

We are so excited about our own version of "The Biggest Loser!" The Healthy Weigh and Any Time Fitness have teamed up to offer a Team Weight Loss challenge!

Our 10 week challenge starts on Tuesday April 21st and ends the first week of summer, Tuesday, June 23rd! Each Tuesday for 10 weeks our weight loss teams (2 people) will weigh in at noon or 6 PM and compete for the Grand Prize of $1000.00 to be awarded to the team with the greatest % of weight loss at the end of 10 weeks.

We've already signed up 20 teams that are raring to go! Each team will present us with their team name for the challenge...Here's a couple of my personal favorites so far: "Waist Management" and "Flab U Less".

Businesses in Clark County are jumping on board too, and offering prizes that we will be giving out over the 10 weeks! Everyone is joining in on the fun!

April 14th at 6 PM and April 18th at 10 AM, I will be explaining all the details of this exciting Team Weight Loss Challenge! If you are not signed up yet, be at one of these exciting meetings!

Looking forward to having a blast with you!
