Apr 29, 2009

"I found strength I didn't know I had"

That comment didn't come from me, it came from one of our clients yesterday after her weigh in. She lost 6.0 pounds for the week! As a partner in the Team Challenge she has a new outlook. Not only is she committed to the program, but she now has a partner that she has made promises to. Promises to follow the program, exercise and keep a great attitude!

She found strength this week when she followed her plan to the mark. She found strength this week when she went for her walks up a BIG hill and ending up running that hill! She found strength in preparing her foods in advance and truly making her health and her self care a priority this week. SHE FOUND STRENGTH SHE DIDN'T KNOW SHE HAD, BECAUSE SHE REACHED DOWN INSIDE OF HERSELF AND JUST DID IT!

I am so proud of her, and I am so proud of all the Team Challenge participants who made a decision and found strength inside of themselves this week!

Keep up the great work...Keep fighting for the strength that lives inside of you.

Always encouraging you,

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