Jul 29, 2010

Are You on a Diet?

That is probably a funny question if you're reading this blog. Of course, you're on The Healthy Weigh diet, right? Well, not necessarily. I sat with clients today who have done a really GREAT job changing their life style habits and are even seeing results from that, but have found themselves stuck! Stuck 30, 40 or even 50 pounds from where they want to be.

Here's what I've observed. When a client comes to The Healthy Weigh and is presented the nutritional plan, they get on board! They follow it faithfully and see impressive weight loss. And then it starts to happen...little extras start creeping in. They have done such a good job of changing their eating habits that now they are looking at food different and really are making healthy choices. The problem is, there is a difference between making healthy food choices and being on a DIET to lose weight. A diet is defined this way: a controlled intake of food and drink designed for weight loss, for health or religious reasons, or to control or improve a medical condition. Controlled being the key word here!

The Healthy Weigh nutritional plan is the best weight loss DIET I have come across in my 30 years in the weight loss industry.
It was designed and written by professionals in the field that knew what they were doing! It works! problem is, we tweak it...and then we don't see the results we're after.

I see clients get frustrated every week with slow or no weight loss all while they feel like they've been following the program.
With a touch more effort and a little more control, they could be seeing a 2 to 2.5 pound a week weight loss!

So I guess the question is...Are you on a DIET? I hope the answer is YES! If it is, you will see results that keep you inspired and you will find yourself living that "healthy lifestyle" in no time!

Always encouraging you,

Jul 22, 2010

I do my BEST on the weekends!

The weekend is here, the sun is shining, summer is in full swing...how prepared are you to follow your nutritional plan all weekend long? Have you given any thought to the days ahead and planned your strategy?

Weekends pose different problems than week days. During the week, we have routine and it makes it "routine" to follow program. It seems that we are better prepared with program foods during the week too, out of necessity with our busy schedules.

The weekend rolls around and we have no routine to speak of, and we've run out of the good program foods! That means trouble!

There are a few easy things you can do to make your weekend days as successful or even more successful than the week days.

1.Preplan a menu for the weekend on Thursday night(with contingencies.)
Put the menu up on your fridge to remind yourself that you DO have a plan for the weekend. It helps to have it written down so you are not making so many emotional decisions about what you feel like eating.

2.Stop on your way home on Friday night to stock up on the very BEST program foods.

The weekend is the time when we can take more time to make a beautiful breakfast or even a special dinner. Buy the best ingredients and look forward to your meals instead of eating what's left over for the week!

3.Use the extra time to be more active.
If you have time to walk out the front door...do it! Take time on the weekend to go for a walk, a hike or a bike ride with your family. You can burn more calories on the weekend!

4.And above all else(you guessed it)think rightly about the weekend.
Your attitude about weekend foods and weekend activity will make ALL the difference in your success! Try repeating out loud many times a day..."I do my best o he program, on the weekends." Se what that does for your thought life!

Your determination to turn hard weekends into opportunities for more weight loss will make a great difference in your weight loss success.

Plan ahead,go shopping and think rightly then have a terrific on program weekend!

Always encouraging you.

Jul 16, 2010

Vision Quest

At our house we have a saying about good movies…we just say,“quality movie.”
Remember The Titans… “quality movie”, The Count of Monte Cristo… “quality movie”, …Zoro “quality movie”.

We always remember great lines of quality movies. One of my favorite lines ever is in the movie Zoro when the governor of California asks Alejandro, “Are you a man of vision?” He replies… “I am a man in search of a vision!”

So I’ve got to ask you today…are you a person of vision, or are you a person in search of a vision?…or neither?

Vision…it’s a dream, a mental picture, foresight, the ability to see the future

Quest is a chase. Pursuit, you go in search of, you are on a hunt for.

To change…to lose weight permanently, to have a vital, strong, healthy, free life…you MUST have vision quest! You know your vision…now you’re on a quest to get there!

Without Vision…people perish…(give up the ghost), die!

The first step to any change is to know what you want…to have vision! Vision is about looking ahead…looking to what you want…not what you don’t want!

Vision is a picture or idea you have in your mind of yourself, or your life. A clear vision helps you pursue dreams and achieve goal. A vision that is clear will open your thoughts to the endless possibilities of the future. Your thoughts dictate your feelings and your feeling dictate your actions…you’ve got to have vision to open your thoughts and keep them on right track!
A vision will help you to overcome obstacles in the way and helps you hold on when times are tough. A vision that is well defined helps you to focus and create a purpose that becomes your measurement for your success. If you do not have a vision of who you want to be, how you want to succeed or what you want out of life, you begin to lack drive and your life becomes just an order of events.
A strong and current vision connects with your passions and greatest potentials. Regardless of what is going on in the world or challenges that present themselves, a vision helps you know what and why you are doing the things you are doing. Having a vision is most important in the path of your success in life.
A vision might be the most powerful way to keep focused on what you want in life while keeping you motivated in achieving it. A vision will open up your mind to many possibilities and a brighter and bigger future. When you can envision a future that is better, happier, more productive, you are going to make the changes that are necessary for you to reach that type of life.

Who do you want to be?
Your vision should include who you want to be. It is important to know clearly who you are right now to know who you want to become. This includes your habits, attitudes, and your beliefs. If you are unclear about yourself, you will be unclear about your future. The destination of your vision should be emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual.

When you create a successful vision, you begin to feel passionate about it. The only way to be successful in your vision is to visualize it and set goals and a plan of action to reach your vision.

Over time, you will begin to see more parts of your vision coming true until one day you see yourself living your vision. You gained your weight little by little…you didn’t wake up one morning with 30 extra pounds on your body because of what you ate last night...that’s how it is when we begin to live a new life, with new habits, based on a vision of the life we really want. Little by little we begin to see that vision lived out! That’s so cool!
A vision is the capability to see beyond your current reality, creating and inventing what does not now exist and becoming what you are not right now. A vision is important in all aspects of life; body, soul and spirit. Building your vision does not have to be difficult as long as you know exactly what it is you see for yourself in the future. But that can be the problem sometimes…not knowing what we really want.
Important things to remember when creating a vision:
Know exactly who you are.
Brainstorm, imagine and dream.
Focus on things that give your life purpose and meaning.
Do not put limits on your dreams.

What do you really want? Why have you set out to lose fat off your body? Is your vision to weigh less…or is your vision to live more!!!?

If you have not created a vision for the life you want to be living…the life you MUST live, then now is the time to do it!
It’s really about having the discipline to sit down and dream. We are all so different…but it helps me to dream in compartments. A vision for my physical body… a vision for my soul…my mind, will and emotions…and a vision for my spiritual life…the deepest place of who I am.

Creating a vision should be intense…it’s about knowing who you are today…knowing how you live today and saying…I want it to look different. I want a new life. I want it to be different!
Then, and only then, will you be inspired to move, to go, to leave behind what you’ve known and go to that new place!

Always encouraging you,

Jul 9, 2010

Motivation is in the Doing!

Motivation is at the heart of all success. The word motivation comes from the word motive…think about that. Motivation is at the heart of all success…motives come from the heart! Motivation comes from within you!

Here’s the good news…you have control over how motivated you are!

You’re not alone if your motivation wavers…you’re not alone if you’ve said, “This is hard,” “I don’t know if I can do this”, “I don’t know why I’m doing this”. “I don’t want to do this anymore” “I’m not motivated.”

Those are normal thoughts

But Remember…..
Your Thoughts dictate your feelings and your feelings dictate your actions.

If you are thinking those thoughts, If you are saying those words…I need to let you know that the odds are against you...you might not get to the finish line.
How motivated do you feel right now?

Words are powerful, thoughts are as powerful!

The truth is this. Making the choice to be disciplined with your eating and exercise, setting limits on yourself and learning to say no thank you, is less than fun, less than exciting, less than happy…but the benefits are all of that and more!!!

Motivation is all about the benefits…all about our thought life… all about what we focus on!

So it’s up to you to keep motivation alive. Motivation starts with a thought. A thought that says, if I want to be successful, if I want to cross the finish line and then keep my weight off, I need motivation and I need it now! I will choose a thought pattern that keeps me focused on where I’m going, what I’m getting, and what life will be like when I get there!
Motivation is in the doing…doing something to keep your thought life right, strong, focused.

Some of my tools, my secrets to keeping my motivation alive are…

Hang it out…hang it in the pantry if you need to!
Do you have clothes in your closet that still have the tags on them? Did you buy it a little small and then never get into it? Get them out and make them visible!
Change it out if you get used to seeing it there!

What would you be wearing if you were at goal weight…That’s what you focus on!

Year at a Glance
Get it out in front of you…what will your next 12 months look like as you get slimmer and slimmer…healthier and healthier?!

What events will take on a different feeling a different excitement a different freedom at your goal weight?

Be inspired by them, print them, post them in view. Words are powerful and they will keep you focused!

What motivates you?

Sporting equipment?
How would you be playing if you were at goal weight. That’s what you focus on!

What would your life represent if you were at goal weight How would your life improve?

Motivation is in the doing…it’s taking a naturally negative, discouraged, unbelieving attitude and turning it around.

Motivation is about walking away from spending your time and energy thinking about food, thinking about what you don’t get to eat today, and instead, thinking about a life free from being burdened down with extra pounds.

How much time are you spending thinking about what you can’t eat instead of where you’re going?

Let’s turn our homes, our cars, our workplaces, into places of renewed motivation…reminders of where you’re going, why it matters, how our life will improve
That’s doing motivation!

Every place you go…you should be inspired and provoked to climb this mountain, to run this race, to accomplish this task…you’re just the one that has to create it!

Motivation is truly in the doing!

Always encouraging you,

Jul 1, 2010

Independence Day!

It's July, and we're headed into the weekend that we as a country celebrate our Independence and our freedoms. I'm wondering today how free you really feel? Has food, or your struggles to control your eating, made you feel less than free? Do you sometimes feel like a prisoner, trapped in an unhealthy body?

Freedom takes work. It took work over 200 hundred years ago as our forefathers fought for what was ours. It takes work today as we fight for what is ours; a healthy, fit body. To be free is to not be under the control or power of someone or something. I see men and women fighting to be free every week at The Healthy Weigh.

I'm convinced that the key to being free from overeating is to fight the battles on the inside as well as the outside. How much time are you spending on coping with life's difficulties, healing past pain, and working to understand your beliefs? Equal time or more should be given to the inside of us, as we focus on changing the outside. That's when freedom comes!

As you spend time with your families this weekend, celebrating our great country, I hope that you will take some time to ponder your freedom as a healthy adult. Choose freedom both on the inside and out this Independence Day.

Always encouraging you.