Weekends pose different problems than week days. During the week, we have routine and it makes it "routine" to follow program. It seems that we are better prepared with program foods during the week too, out of necessity with our busy schedules.
The weekend rolls around and we have no routine to speak of and we've run out of the good program foods! That means trouble!
There are a few easy things you can do to make your weekend days as successful or even more successful than the week days.
1.Preplan a menu for the weekend on Thursday night (with contingencies.)
Put the menu up on your fridge to remind yourself that you DO have a plan for the weekend. It helps to have it written down so you are not making so many emotional decisions about what you feel like eating.
2.Stop on your way home on Friday night to stock up on the very BEST program foods.
The weekend is the time when we can take more time to make a beautiful breakfast or even a special dinner. Buy the best ingredients and look forward to your meals instead of eating what's left over from the week!
3.Use the extra time to be more active.
If you have time to walk out the front door...do it! Take time on the weekend to go for a walk, or a hike with your family. You can burn more calories on the weekend!
4.And above all else (you guessed it) think rightly about the weekend.
Your attitude about weekend foods and weekend activity will make ALL the difference in your success! Try repeating out loud many times a day..."I do my best on the program, on the weekends." See what that does for your thought life!
Your determination to turn hard weekends into opportunities for more weight loss will make a great difference in your weight loss success.
Plan ahead, go shopping and think rightly then have a terrific on program weekend!
Always encouraging you.
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