Oct 21, 2011

"Act As If"

As we continue to look at ways to keep motivation alive it's very important to remember that motivation is in the doing! We can't just 'think' about being motivated...we must also 'act' on our motivation.

Our 7th tool in this priceless tool box:

Act As If.

What would happen this weekend if you acted like a healthy, slender person? What if you chose to act like you have always been slim? What choices would you make? Where would you go? What would you eat? What would you say yes to? What would you say no to? You've heard it said before, "fake it till you make it", well, that is another way of saying, act as if!

Have you ever studied slender people? They do things differently than over weight people:

They do more and sit less
They don't look for the closest parking spot
They take the stairs instead of the elevator
They choose restaurants with the best food, not the most food
They don't have a problem ordering what they want
They take small bites
They don't focus on the food when they eat out, they focus on the company
They always have their dressing on the side
They always need a 'to go box' for their leftovers
They leave food on their plate
They don't order dessert

Just to name a few.

What if, this weekend you acted as if? Motivation IS in the doing and you would find yourself feeling better about yourself and begin to believe that you really could live out the rest of your life as a slender person.

Your beliefs dictate your thoughts which dictate your feelings which dictate your actions However, to permanently change your beliefs, sometimes you have to act your way into feeling which causes you to think differently and ultimately helps you change your beliefs!

Act as if this weekend and embrace the feelings of your new decision to live a healthy life.

Always encouraging you,

1 comment:

Jill said...

Just what I needed today, thank you!