Nov 11, 2011

Are You Working The Program?

For the last nine weeks we have been looking at ways to keep motivation alive and well. Motivation is at the center of all change. It's the motive that causes us to act. In finishing up this 10 week "series" on motivation, I just went back through and read that last 9 blogs to get a feel for how I wanted to end this 10 weeks!

I'll tell you how I'm going to end this thing. I'm going to ask the big question. ARE YOU WORKING THE PROGRAM? I didn't ask, are you following the diet? or Are you losing weight? or Are you trying new recipes? I asked, ARE YOU WORKING THE PROGRAM?

I can guarantee that if you were taking out the tools that have been handed to you in the last nine weeks, seeking to understand them on a different level, and then working them week after week as you built on the week before...YOU WOULD BE MOTIVATED! and motivation changes things!

Motivation is not a secret. Motivation is not reserved for the people who were just born that way. Motivation doesn't just happen. And you surely can't count on someone else to supply it for you.

Motivation is your responsibility.

I've never seen a person fail at losing weight because they didn't know what to eat. I've never seen a person fail to keep weight off because the needed a new recipe. They key to losing your weight, reaching your goal and keeping it off for life is motivation!

So what's keeping you from it?

I want to encourage you to read back through the last 9 weeks, one week at a time if necessary and work the program. Do the work that it takes to keep motivation alive! You'll find that mastering motivation won't just get you to your goal weight, but it will effect every area of your life!

Your tool box is full. Choose to use the tools that will help you change your life! They are there for the taking!

Always encouraging you,


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