Feb 24, 2012

A Winged Life!

I was sitting with my husband in our little fishing boat on the Lewis river recently waiting for the fish to bite, and waiting and waiting....
It's so beautiful out there. I was trying to take it all in when I noticed a bird soaring above us, so freely, so high. I could almost since it's joy.

As I thought about that bird, I thought about us humans who seem to have no wings at all-to mount up into the life of freedom and joy.

We are terribly conscious of our lack of joy, lack of power and lack of victory.

We experience depression, (a lot of the time caused by anger turned inward) moodiness, boredom, frustration and fear.

We are slaves to destructive habits and unable to master our impulses. We are earthbound because of our own choices and character.

If I've learned anything in the last 30 years working in the weight loss business, I have learned that conquering those things, flying above those things, will get us to our goal and keep us there.

So what do those birds have that we don't have?

BIRDS mount up into a region altogether their own. They soar beyond the reach of their enemies. As long as they stay up in the sky, no one can set limits to their freedom or restrain them.

BIRDS can see farther than creatures without wings. Theirs is a sphere of vision with great distance. The higher they go, the further they see.

BIRDS have a song life! It's a song of joy they sing in their triumphant experience.

To live a winged life, like the birds, it takes a decision! A decision to look at life differently, to look at yourself differently.

So how would we live a winged life with our weight loss program?

WE choose to mount up and make decisions all on our own, against the world, or maybe or co-workers, children or loved ones. We feel free to chose food we want. We say no thank you when we want to and set our own limits...no one sets them for us. I'm sad to say that many of us live and work with our weight loss enemies! Having wings means we don't walk there. We don't allow the circumstances below to affect us soaring!

WE choose to dream BIG! We have big vision for big change and no one can stop it because we are soaring too high. Living a winged life requires great eye sight...the ability to see into the future! The minute we take our eyes of the future, off our dream, off our new truth, we plummet down to earth. There are enough earth dwellers...we've got to soar above!

WE choose to sing a new song! I can't help but think of a few song titles that people with a winged life sing..."I've got a new attitude" "Celebrate good times...come on" "I believe I can fly" "Climb every mountain" ...just to name a few!

Staying on earth, walking among your enemies, continuing to allow food to win, doesn't serve you! It doesn't bring a song of joy to your lips.

A winged life truly is the way to live. A life with vision, discipline and joy.
You have every opportunity to live a winged life...starting this very moment. Make a decision today to soar above it all, have vision for the future and sing a song of joy.

Here's a little imagery for you to read. Allow it to soak in!

Imagine yourself living a winged life. Feeling confident to make choises all on your own. Instead of walking with the crowd, you soar above and choose a healthier, happier life style. You are setting personal limits for yourself and it feels great. You are a person of vision. You dream big dreams and they are about you! Dreams to accomplish your weight loss goals and more importantly dreams about how it's going to feel to live the rest of your life at goal weight! You think about change and you are soaring so high that no one can discourage you. As you set limits for yourself and begin to change, a song of joy comes over your lips that you've never sang before. You've got a new attitude and it's showing in every area of your life. You are living a winged life and nothing is going to bring you down again!

Always encouraging you,

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