May 4, 2012

Do What You Love ~ And Love What You Do!

We've spent the last couple of weeks looking at happiness! Happiness is a serious matter. When you ask people about their most cherished values in life, "happiness" is always at the top of the list. However, unhappiness does not seem to be the exception today, it's practically the rule. Why? Because human nature is insatiable. In order to be happy, we first have to battle ourselves.

We are taking a look at 7 "steps" to take to find more happiness in your life. Last week we looked at two:
1. Commit your life to the purpose of Glorifying God
2. Get rid of grudges daily

Today, we will take a look at two more.

3. Spend a little time nearly every day getting more intimate with your mate and children. Parents, brothers, sisters, and other close relatives should also have high priority. Do all you can to solved family conflicts.
Our deepest need is for relationship, for love and connection with others. When we are not connected to people we turn to other things to fill the void. All addictions, food included, are about us filling the empty places that are meant to be filled by love.  Making the nurturing of relationships with the people we love the highest priority, feeds our souls, fills our love tanks and allows us to give to others out of our fullness verses our emptiness.   Although is may take time and work to develop better skills, there is peace and intimacy in communicating and resolving conflict instead of walking on eggshells, putting up walls and feeling disconnected from those we love.

4. Be involved in a daily routine (including work, play, housework, projects) that bring you personal satisfaction. Be convinced that this routines is God's will and purpose for your life. ~ your way of glorifying Him.
Love what you do and do what you love...whether it's a project at work, riding horses or cleaning your house.  Do it with all you've got. Be convinced that God cares about the effort you put into making your home beautiful or what ever project you're working on. I've always been inspired by this verse. Colossians 3:23  Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man. WHATEVER you do. I get excited about that. Whether it's pulling weeds, scrubbing a toilet, or writing a motivational speech to help others...I do it as if I'm doing it for God. 
It's also very important that we figure out our strengths and focus on those things, while surrounding ourselves with others that can balance us out in our weaknesses. If we don't love what we do, we will be drained/emptied and have nothing left to give anyone else. It's about being convinced that we were created differently and when we are doing what we love, we can be sure that our routine is God's will and purpose for our lives.

We've looked at 4 of the 7 ways to find more happiness in your life. Notice that all of them are things that you have control of. Happiness is not something that you wait for. Happiness is something you go out and get.
Until next week...choose happiness

Always encouraging you,

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