Jul 13, 2012

Excellence is Mundane!

Tuesday, I spoke to a group of individuals who are preparing for a ten week Olympic experience of their own. The Summer Team Challenge! I spoke about EXCELLENCE...what it really takes to be EXCELLENT! Because after all...excellence is what we are after in these Olympic summer games!
Excellence can be a scary word. Its like urgency and perfection and  superior and exceptional. Don’t get me wrong, we all  want excellence…we're just not sure that we’ve got what it takes to be excellent. We don’t know if we’re made of that kind of stuff.
Well, I’m here to give you some great news about being an EXCELLENT Olympian in this Summer Team Challenge!
Oh, what great news huh? Some of you are thinking…"well, that’s not very exciting!"  True…but here’s what’s exciting about that statement. We all have a little mundane in us!  We all don’t know if we have the excellence it takes to get the job done…but we all would agree that we all have some mundane in us!
Excellence is actually mundane!
Let me explain that!!!
Excellence is accomplished through deliberate actions, ordinary in themselves, performed consistently and carefully, made into habits, compounded together, added up over time.
Since Excellence is mundane, it is within reach of everyone, all the time. Please don't confuse this with success. In competitive athletics success is mutually exclusive...there are winners and losers…one team finishes first and another one last. But Excellence is some thing that EVEYONE of us can have!!!  Every one of us!
So let’s break this down and look at what it’s going to take to be excellence for this Summer Team Challenge!
Excellence is accomplished through deliberate actions, ordinary in themselves, performed consistently and carefully, made into habits, compounded together, added up over time.
 through deliberate actions
The great thing about the program at The Healthy Weigh is that we have done the deliberate planning for you. We have thought out, planned out, predetermined, and calculated what it will take nutritionally for you to have EXCELLENT results on this program! To be deliberate about something, you’ve got to have a marked plan of attack. With our program, there is no guessing, no changing, no wondering…you can be VERY deliberate about your actions. When you make a decision…action follows. A true decision means cutting yourself off from any other possibility…that is deliberate living. We’ve got the plan…now be deliberate about following it!
Excellence is accomplished through deliberate actions

ordinary in themselves

Everyone is doing those ordinary actions, there are no real secrets. I’ve loved watching the clients who have been EXCELLENT at the team challenge!  They’ve lost 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 pounds in one team challenge!  Everyone wants to know how they did it.  We’ve actually had people leave the challenge because they knew that those people must be doing something secretive to lose that much weight. The truth is (and you could ask all of those excellent people) what they did to be excellent was very ordinary. They didn’t have to make up anything new…figure out a secret plan, create a new program. They just did what was predetermined by their coach for them to do! That’s how you win the gold medal. When you ask ANY of these clients how they did it…how they lost so much weight…how they were so excellent, they all humbly say with kind of a mundane feel to their answer…”I just followed the program.”
Excellence is accomplished through deliberate actions, ordinary in themselves…

performed consistently (done on a regular basis)

               You’ve got all the tools, you KNOW what needs to be done, you know that each week…you must grocery shop, have all the appropriate foods around, plan ahead, prepare food in advance and always have a plan of attack…you do that, for a while... consistently and you are EXCELLENT!!!

And then, you’re too tired to drop by the store. You don't have the appropriate foods handy. You don’t prepare your food in advance and you leave the house without a plan and you wonder why you can't follow the program.  Going to the store, preparing food ahead, taking a cooler full of your healthy food when you leave the house…I’m sorry, but that is just plain old mundane!!! It’s not the actions of a superior person…it is the deliberate actions very ordinary in themselves performed consistently that bring about EXCELLENCE!

Sometimes when I’m at the store and it’s late and my feet hurt and I’m getting what I need to eat healthy I think about you. I wonder, is this how my clients feel when they say “I’m too tired, I can’t do it. I don’t have the stamina?”  Doing the right thing over and over again is pretty downright mundane! Aren’t you glad! It’s not the actions of the super elite or the highly motivated, incredible, disciplined person…that accomplishes excellent weight loss, it’s just what you do day in and day out.
Excellence is accomplished through deliberate actions, ordinary in themselves, performed consistently.

and carefully

                Carefully is a big key in being EXCELLENT!!!  Around The Healthy Weigh it's about being careful how you think…being careful who you hang out with…being careful what you do with your time…being careful about following the program as it’s written…weighing and measuring your food, drinking all your water and eating everything, every day that you are supposed to eat. Not "kind of doing" the program or using it as a guideline, or feeling like you were on the program because of all the things you said NO to…but really following this scientific, stellar nutritional plan! Following the program with high standards! Being careful!
Excellence is accomplished through deliberate actions, ordinary in themselves, performed consistently and carefully

made into habits
                So much of what we do every day…most of what we do everyday is based on the habits that we have formed over the years of our lifetime. It is so important that for the next ten weeks you do things differently…that you coach your psychological self and your physical self to do things differently. You can and you will during this 10 weeks over ride some of the bad or unhealthy habits you have with a new set of patterns. The old patterns will be there in the background, but we believe that you will be creating new patterns , new habits that can change many areas of your life. Focusing on weight loss is just the beginning of changing unhealthy habits in many areas of your life into healthy ones. Very mundane…doing new things every day, in a new way repeating that new behavior every day…won’t be so outstanding but it will bring EXCELLENCE to your life!
Habits can, will and must be transformed at The Healthy weigh!  Because...
Excellence is accomplished through deliberate actions, ordinary in themselves, performed consistently and carefully, made into habits

compounded together

Understand this, when you harness all these elements  together, change begins to happen…permanently happen. You add your changed thinking to your changed behavior which causes you to feel different and believe things about yourself that you have never believed before! Your beliefs will ALWAYS dictate how you think act and feel. A little mundane…but powerful! One plus one does not equal two when you begin to think differently…it multiplies and brings about change that you can’t compute!
Because Excellence is accomplished through deliberate actions, ordinary in themselves, performed consistently and carefully, made into habits compounded together

added up over time

You know what happens when you add it up over time…you lose weight, you live a different life, your priorities change, you live longer, you add healthy years to your life, your relationships change, your confidence grows, your insecurities leave, you accomplish what you were made for…you experience EXCELLENCE!!

Because excellence is accomplished through deliberate actions, ordinary in themselves, performed consistently and carefully, made into habits compounded together added up over time!

Every one of you have the ability to have an EXCELLENT Summer games. You DO have what it takes to be excellent!!! All of you!

Excellence...how mundane!

Always Encouraging you,

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