Sep 28, 2012

I Can't Believe I Ate the Whole Thing!

We crunch. We stuff. We say, "Seconds, please." And most of the time, we haven't the faintest idea how much we're eating-or why.

We make about 250 food decisions a day. Should I have coffee? Should I put milk in it? Whole or skim? Sugar or Splenda? Do I pour my juice into a short, wide glass (you'll drink more) or a tall, narrow glass (you'll drink less)?

If we knew why we ate the way we do, we could eat a little less, eat a little healthier, and enjoy food a lot more.

Last night I sat with a group of people who are getting ready to start the stabilization phase of their weight loss programs. Stabilization is the process of adding food back into your diet gradually to increase the body's metabolism until you reach your maintenance calorie limit.  I believe it's the most important part of the program at The Healthy Weigh. Losing weight is very simple at THW... Eat the foods on the list you've been given and you'll lose a ton of weight.

Maintenance is another story...because now that list of foods just blossomed! Our clients go from a manageable food decision day to that 250 food decision kind of day! Healthy Weigh clients go from a somewhat limited balanced diet, to unlimited choices!  More choices mean more decisions! And more decisions mean we have to be mindful about our food choices.

I read a great article this week from Brian Wansink, from Cornell University. He has conducted more than 300 experiments proving that most people have no idea how much their putting in their mouths or for what reason.

Here are 7 essential tidbits from the article:

1. People who stock up at discount stores eat up to 48% more. If you buy in bulk, put pretzels and other snacks in portion-size baggies. NEVER eat out of the box or bag!

2. The longer you sit at the table, the more you'll eat. Dine with one friend, you'll eat about 35% more. With a group of seven, you'll eat 96% more. If you're trying to lose weight, eat alone or with the smallest group possible, and pace yourself with the lightest eater.

3. If you pre-plate your food in the kitchen, you'll eat 14 % less than if you serve yourself and then take seconds.

4. When you eat at a buffet, put only two items at a time on your plate. Even if you make repeated trips, you'll eat a lot less.

5. Always eat in the same room of your home. (but not in front of the TV or computer) You won't snack as much.

6. Don't leave serving dishes on the table unless they're filled with vegetables.

7. A Butterfinger or a hug? What do you really want? Physical hunger builds gradually. Emotional hunger develops suddenly.

I like some of his thoughts! Mindful eating is so important not only to help you lose weight, but definitely to help you keep it off.

Weight loss and weight maintenance always comes down to calories in and calories out so being mindful about those calories is crucial!  How many food choices will you have today...and will you be mindful about them?

Always encouraging you,

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