Aug 12, 2013


So, you worked through your denial and spent time contemplating about changing your life…are you ready for action?
There is a subtle but important stage between contemplation and action, the presence or absence of which, can make or break the effort to change. This stage is preparation.
I’ve seen a lot people over the years try lose weight without being prepared for it.  They see some temporary results but not the permanent change they are looking for.
Preparation is a lot like contemplation but a lot more forward looking… you begin to focus on the future you. It involves careful planning, positive self re-evaluation and commitment.
In the preparation stage we start to turn away from the past.  We begin letting go of the activities and circumstances that lead us to overeating, like eating while in a depressed state. We begin changing hobbies – like having fun exercising instead of baking and finding new friends who enjoy the same.
In the preparation stage it is important to insure support of your family. It’s time to go public! It’s important to let the people closest to you know that you decided to get fit and lose some weight in the process and it will require a certain investment of time and resources as well as changes in your usual routine.

During the preparation stage:
Take small steps...even the smallest changes over a period of time add up to permanent change!
Set a date...decide when you’re “starting” and stick to it! No going back!
Go public…make sure the people in your world know that you’ve decided to make changes.
Treat your change as a major event…as if you had an appointment for a serious operation!
Create your own plan of action…people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan.

Commit to your plan…decisions are at the heart of Action. Out of your decisions action will flow!
In the preparation stage, you’re getting anxious about getting started and taking some ACTION!  Don’t skip this very important stage of preparation though…it’s crucial for your long term success!

Always encouraging you,

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