Nov 12, 2008

Hope for The Holidays

Hope... a feeling that what is wanted, will happen. So what is your hope for the holidays? What do you want this holiday season to look like? You could choose to "get through the holidays," or you could purpose to make this holiday season be the best you've ever had. Set some holiday goals this year!

When I think about the most wonderful time of the year...I think about it body, soul and spirit. What kind of goals can you set for your physical body? Include your eating and your exercise. When it comes to your soul, think about relationships and the things you could do to feed your mind and emotions. And lastly, but not least, your spirit. Take time this holiday season to be still. Plan on attending a service or two that will keep you focused on the true meaning of the season.

You have the opportunity to make this the best holiday season you've ever had. You can have hope for the holidays and what you want, can come true this year.

Always encouraging you,