Aug 17, 2012

Change Your Thinking ~ Change Your Life!

Last week we learned that in order to change your actions permanently, you have to change your belief system. This week, we're focusing on your thought life.

I tackled 4 things on this weeks message:

Goals and Rewards
Positive Thinking
Mental Conditioning

Losing weight and keeping it off for life is one of the hardest things most of us have ever tried to the questions is, How do you prepare for that? This week we are focusing on necessary steps to be successful at not only starting this weight loss journey, but reaching your destination as well!

As I talk with clients week after week, I see a common theme with clients who are not losing weight. They have lost their motivation. Knowing WHY you want to lose weight and keeping those reasons in the fore front of your mind is critical for weight loss success. There are many ways to keep motivation high. What ever those ways are for you, keep doing them! We all have different motives as to why we want to lose weight...the key is to keep motivation alive! Motivation is in the doing! What can you do this week to elevate your motivation?

Goals and Rewards:
Setting goals and rewarding yourself are proven methods in changing your beliefs permanently. Everything we do, we do out of our need to seek pleasure or avoid pain, the problem is, our society believes that over eating is pleasure and eating in moderation is painful. At our Tuesday Team Challenge, I had clients speak out words connected to over eating. I heard, guilt, shame, poor health, pain, and tears. I had clients speak words connected to eating in moderation. I heard, happiness, peace, health, clothes fit, and confidence. That is the truth...we just don't believe it!
Linking pleasure (rewards) to your new healthy life style and pain to your old unhealthy habits will begin to change your belief system and help you keep this weight off.
Rewards are a must!

Positive Thinking:
You won't catch me in a conversation with someone about permanent change, without hearing me talk about our thought life! Choosing positive thoughts will promote positive actions! How we think about ourselves has EVERYTHING to do with losing weight and keeping it off. The good news is that we have a choice every minute of every day about our thoughts. This little girl has it figured out...we could learn a thing or two from her.

Mental Conditioning:
This is the first week of your mental conditioning exercises. No great accomplishments have happened without first the visions of them! The subconscious mind is powerful. What ever you force into it on a regular basis, it believes. Adding this piece to your Healthy Weigh program could be a key to your success.

Great effort goes into great accomplishments. I encourage you to spend time this week on your will change your life!

Always encouraging you.

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