Aug 10, 2012

Understanding Your Beliefs ~ The Key To Permanent Change

This week at the "Summer Olympics" Team Challenge we began our 6 week look/listen of my CD series and the processing homework that goes along with it. I am excited about introducing the six personal control guides to you one week at a time. A lot of great classes, workshops and support groups have happen at The Healthy Weigh regarding this valuable information, but it's your personal reflection that makes the difference in your weight loss journey!

This week we took a look at our belief systems. How we think about ourselves and the world around us has everything to do with losing weight and keeping it off for life.  Beginning this weight loss journey by looking backwards is crucial. The beliefs we have regarding ourselves, our relationship with food and so many other things, determine our success with losing weight and more importantly keeping it off. The key to changing in the present is understanding our past.

Sometimes we resist looking at our past because we are afraid that in some way we will be dishonoring our  upbringing or our parents. The search for truth, never requires that we dishonor those who raise us. In fact, distorting our memory of those early years through either denial or idealizing is what really dishonors the past, because it makes the past unreal. We must become fearless in our search for the truth, knowing that the truth, truly does set us free. The search for truth is never an excuse to blame or to confront-it's our search, and it's purpose lies within us.

If you've started this journey with us, I want to encourage you to go for it! Don't back away! You'll come away 6 weeks from now with great insight and a positive attitude towards your future.

Being set free is an awesome thing. I hope you'll take the path that leads there.

If you don't own or haven't listened to my series, go to and click on STORE you can download the series there.

Email me with questions or thoughts...I'd love to hear from you. You can also comment to this blog. I encourage that as well.

Until next week.
Always encouraging you.

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