Dec 15, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside!

It looks like we're in for a cold snap! There's a lot to do to get ready for the cold weather. This weekend we did the things around the house that you do...covered hose bibs, got heaters ready, wrapped know, those things you do to get ready for a cold snap.

Along with getting our homes ready for the cold weather, we need to be thinking about getting ourselves ready too. If you're like me, cold weather makes me want to snuggle up with a good book, wrap my self in a blanket, and "comfort food."

This is where my belief systems are changing. I'm so glad to know, that I really don't find "comfort" from eating high fat, high calorie foods. In fact what I find when I eat that way, is disappointment, unwanted pounds, and discouragement. "Comfort food" has taken on a new meaning.

Now..."comfort food" means Nancy's Spicy Vegetable Soup, it means a warm cup of tea or coffee, it means a pot of Healthy Weigh Chili Soup. "Comfort" isn't found in high fat or high calorie foods, It's found in something warm and healthy.

"Comfort" is also found on the pages of a good book, or in front of a fire place with the time to journal personal feelings about the holidays. It's found looking at the twinkling of Christmas lights, or enjoying the sights and the smells of a holiday candle. "Comfort" is something that happens in the soul...not just in the stomach.

As you prepare for this cold snap, I encourage you to think about ways that you can "comfort" yourself so that when we get through this chilly season, you will be healthier, body and soul.

Stay warm and comforted!

Always encouraging you.

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