Dec 22, 2008

Cabin Fever

I have been thinking about cabin fever today. I've talked to friends, emailed, and watched the news. It seems most of the people in the area have a bout of "the fever."
We sing about a white Christmas, pray for snow days, and dream of a winter wonderland...and then it hits and we're counting the days until it's gone!

I, for one, haven't been feeling "the fever." I've been questioning why some do and some don't. I think a lot of it has to do with personality types...there's those that love to GO...and those that enjoy an excuse to relax and do nothing. I guess I'm the latter.
I don't know that I've always been that way though. I've been thinking the last few days about the changes I've made in the last few years.
Last year my word for the year was BALANCE. As I studied that word, I learned to find time for work, and play, for going and doing nothing.
As I ponder some of the other words I've chosen over the last few years, CONTENTMENT and STILL. I realize that my words have caused me to take a look at what I really need to be satisfied. Being satisfied in the present moment is something I've gotten better and better at.

As I've thought about you, my clients, my friends and my family this week...I hope that you are truly practicing what I have come to believe is the greatest tool for personal contentment...the truth of knowing what you can control and what you can't control.
The list of what we can't control in these last days goes on and on...the weather, the traffic, airplanes, trains and automobiles! The things we can control are right inside of each one of us.

I encourage you in these next days to make a list, if necessary, of all the things that are outside of your control...and then next to that, the things that you have control of. They will surely have to do with loving your family, spending time focusing on self care, and I hope, looking at the true meaning of Christmas.

I welcome comments about cabin fever. I do miss seeing all of you and look forward to seeing your beautiful faces soon.

Always encouraging you,

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