Dec 12, 2008

Your Word for 2009

I'm wondering if you'll join us at The Healthy Weigh this year with one of our new year 's traditions?...choosing a word for the year. A word, that if studied and focused on, will alter your life in 2009.

Words carry enormous power to move us to a greater level of living. Words create impressions, images and expectations. They build psychological connections. Words dictate how we think, and since our thoughts dictate our actions, there's a powerful connection between the words we focus on and speak, and the results we get.

Poorly chosen words can kill enthusiasm, impact self-esteem, lower expectations and hold people back.
Well chosen words motivate people, offer hope, impact thinking, and alter results. Do you want altered results in 2009?

Choose a word, just for you...then become an expert at it. Select a word that creates a visual of the desired outcome. Choose your word as if it matters...because it does. Research it, become a student of it, and display it all year. Let your friends and family know about your word. Allow your word to alter you in 2009.

Drop by The Healthy Weigh and choose a word off the wall...We've got 100 or so to choose from. Join us in a fun and life changing tradition.

Always encouraging you,

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